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  • Catholic Insights for Mental Health
    by Juan Moreno on October 18, 2023 at 6:57 PM

    Today, as we honor the patron saint of healthcare, we pray that his dedication to healing can serve as a guiding light for us all. Following his guidance, we come together to reflect not only on physical well-being but also on the profound importance of mental health.  We are excited to invite you to our … Continue reading Catholic Insights for Mental Health

  • USCCB Sostienen Diálogo sobre Catequesis y Evangelización con Funcionarios del Vaticano
    by FCH on July 25, 2023 at 4:29 PM

    La Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos (USCCB) organizó recientemente una importante reunión con el arzobispo Salvatore Fisichella, Pro-Prefecto del Dicasterio para la Evangelización, y miembros de su personal para discutir el estado de la catequesis y la evangelización en los Estados Unidos. El diálogo, que tuvo lugar el 13 de junio, ante … Continue reading USCCB Sostienen Diálogo sobre Catequesis y Evangelización con Funcionarios del Vaticano

  • USCCB Holds Dialogue on Catechesis and Evangelization with Vatican Officials
    by FCH on July 25, 2023 at 4:23 PM

    The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) recently hosted a significant meeting with Archbishop Salvatore Fisichella, Pro-Prefect of the Dicastery for Evangelization, and members of his staff to discuss the state of catechesis and evangelization in the United States. The dialogue, which took place on June 13, before the 2023 Plenary Assembly of the US … Continue reading USCCB Holds Dialogue on Catechesis and Evangelization with Vatican Officials

Catechesis, Catequesis


Christmas, Navidad
