ACHTUS– The Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States
ANSH– Asociación Nacional de Sacerdotes Hispanos en Estados Unidos
ARHEU Asociación de Religiosas Hispanas en Estados Unidos
Catholic Climate Covenant– Join Catholics taking action in our families, parishes, schools and communities to reduce our carbon footprint, care for “the least of these” (Mt 25) and raise our voice on behalf of Creation and the poor.
Catholic Relief Services- Español– Catholic Relief Services is the official agency of the Catholic community in the United States for international humanitarian aid.
CMFN– Catholic Migrant Farmworker Network
FIP– The Federation of Pastoral Institutes
LA RED– The National Catholic Network de Pastoral Juvenil Hispana (La Red)
NCADDHM– The National Catholic Association of Diocesan Directors for Hispanic Ministry
NCCHM– The National Catholic Council for Hispanic Ministry
USCCB– United States Conference of Catholic Bishops- Office of Hispanic Affairs