This week was a bit slow on the animal videos. Maybe everyone is busy with back to school. Enjoy this week’s videos!
Jumping Bulldog
This French Bull dog puppy is so cute, he really does not need to do anything. However, watching him excitedly jump into his owner’s arms is quite beautiful. It says so much about joy and trust.
Prairie Dog Rescue
This couple did not need to stop, they could have driven past this poor creature. Instead, they showed a true spirit of the Good Samaritan as they paused by the side of the road to rescue a prairie dog. Great job!
Kitty wants Attention
Those of us who have cats know what it’s like when a kitty wants attention. What is so wonderful about this cat is how gently she caresses her owners face. It’s very sweet.
Pizza Hut Cats
This is the weirdest thing I have ever seen. It’s a a web series from Pizza Hut Japan involving cats. I can’t get the theme out of my head and I think they are saying “Pizza Gato.”
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