The first book we are highlighting is Hispanic Ministry in the 21st Century: Present and Future. Published in October of last year and edited by one of the leading Hispanic Theologians in the U.S., Dr. Hosffman Ospino, this book highlights the gift and challenges of Hispanic Ministry in the U.S. Chapters are written by nationally recognized pastoral ministers/theologians who present the many ways that Hispanics in the U.S are reshaping Catholicism. Authors include Timothy Matovina, Jorge Presmanes, Alicia Marill, Ken Johnson-Mondragón, Raul Gomez-Ruiz, and Arturo Chavez. Chapters address Evangelization and Faith Formation, Ministry and Theology, Youth and Young Adult Ministry, Liturgy and Spirituality, Social Justice and Leadership Formation. Published by Convivium Press in a bilingual format (English and Spanish) this book is a MUST for formation programs, seminaries, and Catholic universities and for current parish leaders who serve Hispanics.
Read an excerpt from the book, “As we reach the end of the first decade of the twenty-first century, nearly half the Catholic population is Hispanic and it is estimated that by 2050 Latinos/as will constitute the vast majority of U.S. Catholics. Hispanic Catholics as a group bring abundant gifts to the Church in the United States yet together face many challenges.”