USHM launches national survey on Hispanic Ministry, Technology and New Media.  Invitations were sent out last week to national organization in Hispanic Ministry to complete a survey describing usage of technology and new media in the area of Hispanic Ministry and Theology.  Anyone involved in ministering to Hispanic/Latino Catholics is invited to participate

English Survey Ad

Those who complete the survey will be entered into a raffle to win an Our Lady of Guadalupe Mug and T-shirt.  This will help in understanding how Hispanic Ministers (anyone who serves Hispanic Catholics in English or Spanish) use technology and new media.  Surveys should be completed by February 28, 2014.  I will present the findings at the 2nd National Symposium on Catholic Hispanic Ministry. A summary of the survey findings will be published by the Symposium in early 2015 and a full PDF report will be made available on this site by the end of this year. Thanks for your support!

