I recently came across this rad little app called Prayer Notebook for iOS devices.  It works like a note pad in which you can keep track of prayer requests.  This app reminds me of this amazing Sister from Nigeria- Sr. Bernadette, also know as Sr. Bernie who I studied with at the Franciscan School of Theology in Berekeley, CA.  Sr. Bernie carried around this large notepad in her purse and anytime someone asked her to pray for them, she would bust out the notepad and write their name.  She would smile and say, “I will pray for you tonight.”  Her lists were looooong!  It was amazing to see how many people asked her to pray for them and the previous sheets of prayer intentions she had crossed off.   She prayed for every single one of those intentions and the reason I know this is because she lived in the apartment next door to me and the walls were pretty thin.  Every morning she was up at 3am praying the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy and praying for everyone on her list.  Her praying was so intense, it would often wake me up.  I bet she would love this app!

You may ask, “Why do I need this app if I can just write prayer requests down in the Notes App that comes with my phone? ” Well, the Prayer Notebook app is described as your personal prayer assistant and here are some its unique features.




You can:

• Group prayers into categories
• text or email contacts when you have prayed for them
• Tweet what you are praying for
• Schedule prayers daily, weekly, monthly or for a specific day
• Set an alert for prayers to remind you to pray
• Mark prayer requests as answered
• Email your prayer list to a friend or small group



The design is pretty clean and it costs $1.99.  There is no Android version of it but I found a different app called Prayer Journal that is for Android devices, but it just doesn’t compete with this app. You can download the app on your iPad but it is really made for your iPhone and you can’t sync your devices.  That would be a great feature for them to add.  Happy Praying!


2013 © Patty Jimenez.  All Rights Reserved.

Photos Taken from Apple Store.

